class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # My Teaching Manifesto ] .subtitle[ ## Thoughts on Values and Beliefs in Teaching ] .author[ ### Arvind Venkatadri ] .date[ ### 2022-07-25 ] --- class: center middle # My Teaching Manifesto ## Thoughts on Values and Beliefs in Teaching Arvind Venkatadri --- ## What am I going to say here? .pull-left[ ![]( ] .pull-right[ ### My Personal Values in Teaching ### What I believe is worth Teaching in FSP! ### What Skills would I impart? ### What Attitudes would I wish to inculcate? ] --- ## Values in Teaching .pull-left[ - Some Universal Sacreds - Do no "teacherly" harm - Honesty - Love and Respect for the Kids and what they bring ] .pull-right[ ![]( ] --- ## Values: Do No Harm .pull-left[ - The Golden Rule, of course, is **“do to others as you would have them do to you.”** - The Silver Rule, in all its double negative glory, is ***“do not do to others what you don’t want them to do to you.”*** - In other words: never impose a Way of Thinking or Acting on Students that is not *a living reality* for yourself. - Teach from a position of **Belief and Practice** - "Unlearn". Bah! - It’s close in some ways to the Hippocratic Oath, or “do no harm”. .footnote[] ] .pull-right[ ![Hippocratic Oath](] --- ## Values: Honesty .pull-left[ - Differentiate between: - What I know from my own experience - What I know from someone else's experience - Transparency - "Arvind, Why is this Assignment graded so low?" is a **good** question!! - More than one way of doing good work in class !! - All grades **public** in my classroom - If I goof up, I own up and make good - Change grades / comments /scores if I make an error - In full public glare ] .pull-right[ ![]( ] --- .pull-left[ ## Values: Love and Respect<br>for the Students - Know their **NAMES** - Acknowledge their **PRESENCE** - Welcome their **BACKGROUNDS** - Endorse their **IDENTITIES** - Celebrate their **WORK** ] .pull-right[ ![]( ] --- ## What I Teach .pull-left[ - #### Big Understandings (**Understandings** Approach) - #### Modelling and Applying (**Dispositions** Approach) - #### Taxonomy of Ideas, Structures and Tools (**Skills** Approach) #### Example: Classical TRIZ in ***FSP: Play and Invent*** - ***Big Idea:*** Generalized Problem: "Your Problem has been solved somewhere else" - ***Modelling/Applying:*** "Metaphorize" your Problem using 39 TRIZ Parameters - ***Taxonomy:*** The 8 TRIZ Laws of Evolution of a Product; TRIZ Contradictions Matrix; TRIZ 40 Inventive Principles ] .pull-right[ .pull-left[ ![]( ] .pull-right[ ![](,204,203,200_.jpg) ] ] --- ## Skills : Digital Technology .pull-left[ - Creative Purpose <--> Tool Capability: a Dance - Replication is key: - I want work to be ***"reproducible"*** and ***"copy-able"***. - Replication precedes **Change** and **Innovation** - Replication can create **Scaleable** Things - Tech tools help with all that. - Tech can be **trans-disciplinary** - I am a technologist and a tech practitioner ] .pull-right[ .pull-left[ <center><img src= "" height="100px" /></center> ![]( ![]( ] .pull-right[ ![]( <center><img src="" height="150px" /></center> <center><img src = "" height = "150px"/></center> ] ] --- ## Skills : Community and Languages .pull-left[ - Reading, Writing, Talking - Absolutely Critical Skills! - Talking and Collaboration - Vernacular Languages - Mother Tongue - Community Orientation - How many strangers do you talk to **daily?** ] .pull-right[ <center><img src = "" height = "800px"/></center> ] --- .pull-left[ ## Attitude : The Word "Yet" Add "yet" to every perceived shortcoming... - "I don't **know**...YET" - "I don't **draw**...YET" - I don't **code**..."YET" - etc. ] .pull-right[ ![]( ] --- .pull-left[ ## Attitude : Anti-Fragile To Students: Where are you on this Scale? - Scale **-5**: Fragile: When random things break you - Scale **0**: Resilient: When random things affect you very little - Scale **+5**: **Anti-Fragile**: When random things make you ***thrive***!! - So: - Rise and Meet things. - Take Risks - Put your **Skin in the Game** - Be ***Antifragile!*** ] .pull-right[ ![]( ] --- .pull-left[ ![]( Maurice Leloir (1851-1940) ] .pull-right[ # Thanks! ## Slides made ###with ##
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